Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Script of maru ulagam

  moral:People used to say that ideal mind is devil's work shop.
  basic heroism: A person, who posses the character of stealing (steal manic) lives freely with a small group of friends
. story: after a long time dissapearence . One day a person meets akshay and script goes back one year in the same place the two starts errand fighting (i(vibin) steal akshay's 12th marksheet) and runs away from him.. and then admitted to speak and asks some water for himself. Were he dissolves a de fabrilative chemical which take them to the dream land. created by vibin. Were vibin explains the chemical to akshay and then introduces SALMAN and BARANI along with them.
   story 2: they enjoy, create, and develope all land forms in their dream, mean while salman creates a catalyst for the chemical to speed up its action . they all test the chemical by entering into the dream land. But the situation gets worse when vibin is missing along with the chemical . But they all remain in the dream to make sure that vibin will surely come to the dream in one way or the other.
  story 3:Y he steals ?...whats the purpose of stealing?... is the rest of the story
 Hint: The story posses two climax i think this is the first film. with multiple ending., non-linear narration. script loops.. will create an thinking to the viewers of seeing an hollywood film.
     "guys iam not the writter of this script!...This film is based on EOIN COLFER's book"

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