Noetic theory or noëtics (from Greek νοητικός "mental" from νοεῖν "to think" from νοῦς - noûs) is a branch of metaphysical philosophyconcerned with the study of mind and intuition, and its relationship with the divine intellect. Among its principal purposes are the study of the effects of perceptions, beliefs, and intentions on human consciousness
The theory of noetics centers around the idea that the human mind is capable of affecting work or events or even doing work in the physical world. It is suggested that thought and spirit are not in fact imaginary, but are Bose or photon based, meaning essentially that the mind can be quantified by formulae which describe quantum materials such as light. This is a radical conclusion where many people think thoughts are weightless. Just as gravity affects all matter, so do thoughts to an apparent lesser degree. Psychokinesis, more often called telekinesis, is concerned with the direct influence of mind on matter.
Noetics is controversial, but research grounded in scientific approach has brought the subject into a more serious light in recent years. Many members of academia in the fields of medicine, biology, psychology, philosophy, and physics believe in and study the effect of thoughts on the physical world, from health effects to throwing dice. Though skepticism has often surrounded this field of science, research aims to both quantify and make known the power of the human mind. It won a special highlight in the Dan Brown book, The Lost Symbol, where noetics were a central theme.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) was co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell and investor Paul N. Temple to encourage and conduct research on human potentials. Institute programs include "extended human capacities," "integral health and healing," and "emerging worldviews."
This research includes topics such as spontaneous remission, meditation, consciousness, alternative healing practices,spirituality, human potential, psychic abilities and survival of consciousness after bodily death, among others.
Headquartered in Petaluma, California, the organization is situated on a 200-acre (80 hectare) campus which houses offices, a research laboratory, and a retreat center (originally the campus of World College West). The institute does not grant educational degrees.
The institute was co-founded in 1973 by Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut who was part of the Apollo 14mission, investor Paul N. Temple and some others. During the three-day journey back to Earth aboard Apollo 14, Mitchell had an epiphany while looking down on the earth from space. "The presence of divinity became almost palpable, and I knew that life in the universe was not just an accident based on random processes ... The knowledge came to me directly," Mitchell said of that experience. Following his spaceflight, Mitchell and others founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Willis Harman served as its president from 1975 until his death in 1997
The word noetic is derived from the Greek nous, for which, according to the institute's website, there is no exact equivalent in English. It refers to "inner knowing," a kind of intuitive consciousness—direct and immediate access to knowledge beyond what is available to our normal senses and the power of reason.
Projects sponsored by the institute include a bibliography on the physical and psychological effects of meditation, a spontaneous remissionbibliography, and studies on the efficacy of compassionate intention on healing in AIDS patients. The institute has also conducted a number of parapsychological studies into extra-sensory perception, lucid dreaming, and presentiment.
The institute conducts research programs in three principal areas:
Thomas W. Clark of the Center for Naturalism has stated that:
There are any number of promoters of paranormal and occult phenomena willing to supply such transcendence, for instance renegade biologist Rupert Sheldrake and parapsychologist Dean Radin of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. The lure of what humanist philosopher Paul Kurtz calls the transcendental temptation drives the flight from standard, peer-reviewed empiricisminto the arms of a dualism that privileges the mental over the physical, the teleological over the non-purposive.
Stephen Barrett, organizer of the nonprofit organization Quackwatch, whose website describes itself as a "Guide to Quackery, Health Fraud, and Intelligent Decisions," has stated that he views the Institute of Noetic Sciences "with considerable distrust."
Pagan philosophy
Another meaning of immanence is the quality of being contained within, or remaining within the boundaries of a person, of the world, or of the mind. This meaning is more common within Christian and other monotheist theology, in which the one God is considered to transcend his creation.
Pythagoreanism says that the nous is an intelligent principle of the world acting with a specific intention. This is the divine reason regarded inNeoplatonism as the first emanation of the Divine. Noetic (from Greek nous) is usually translated as "mind", "understanding", "intellect", or "reason". From the nous emerges the world soul, which gives rise to the manifest realm. Pythagoreanism goes on to say the Godhead is the Father, Mother, and Son (Zeus). In the mind of Zeus, the ideas are distinctly articulated and become the Logos by which he creates the world. These ideas become active in the Mind (nous) of Zeus. With him is the Power and from him is the nous. This theology further explains that Zeus is called Demiurge (Dêmiourgos, Creator), Maker (Poiêtês), and Craftsman (Technitês). The nous of the demiurgeproceeds outward into manifestation becoming living ideas. They give rise to a lineage of mortal human souls. The components of the soul are: 1) the higher soul, seat of the intuitive mind (divine nous); 2) the rational soul (logistikon) (seat of discursive reason / dianoia); 3) the nonrational soul (alogia), responsible for the senses, appetites, and motion. Zeus thinks the articulated ideas (Logos). The idea of ideas(Eidos - Eidôn), provides a model of the Paradigm of the Universe, which the Demiurge contemplates in his articulation of the ideas and his creation of the world according to the Logos.
All these are don't just a fact that gives the information to the people, It makes the people to beleive that superpower is present beyond us, and that can be acheived by Dedicated co-relation of Nature with human beings. In other words the presence of god is proved scientifically.
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